Sorry I havn't been blogging, I've been capped and busy as fudgestickles. So I'll blog about the first fews days. I had WILD WEEKEND ;D...well wild compared to my Friday nights at home with Coles ice-cream, Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray :$
So Friday was a super day. I barely remember but I went to school to collect my artwork and then OH I WENT TO A NEW DENTIST!!! Yeah and he was pretty babe :) But his assistant was catty as! She wouldn't let him test a buck wing or something on my teeth. PSHHHH She wants him bad I tell you. I'm probably just trying to make my life much more exciting than it really is. Well after this I took my nephew to the city to meet Claud and Taylor up for a dress for the formal and to send Claud off to Apollo Bay for the w/e. THENNN I came home and got ready to go.
Jen and PT picked me up to go to Jules' awesome crib before we took off. I'll skip the cab trouble story because it was indeed trouble. But we eventually got there and we danced, ate, danced, ate, sung, danced, ate, and Lee said I danced like a muzza. Compliment? You tell me. OVERALL, the boys had had better formals but they themselves make it the best :) NAWW.
After more cab trouble we ajourned to PT's house and I ate noodles that wasn't even mine :| Disease here we come. My sister picked me up and I SLEPT OVA.
Yes she made me and extremely "comfortable" make-shift home on her floor. THANKS LAN. I woke up and made a bad croissant and ate half a honey joy. NUTRITIOUS DELICIOUS.
THENNNNNNN That night I went to Laura's HAWAIIAN 18th (never know how to spell that!). BOY OH BOY DID SHE HAVE A HOME. It was like the Next Top Model's Home with a Foyer and a theatre room AND A HAND DRYER IN THE BATHROOM. Yes you wish I was me, better yet you wish you were her.
I hogged the Karaoke machine and danced the night away. There were these awesome jelly things in oranges (as below).
So that was the weekend and I'll blog about the rest tomorrow. This has gotten way too long. So i'll leave you with some great pictors :D

Eric helped me to get ready :)

Claude let me borrow her dressss

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)