Monday, May 17, 2010
On an angle
I really should be doing work but I just had to mention my little love in life today
I love it when you have a row of people with tilted heads trying to read the titles on Borders' bookshelves.
I'll be doing Little Loves In Life more often - short and sweet.
I'll get more pictures in too.
P.S. - I'm in love with the Borders boy who served me today ;) I'll be there more often I believe.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Ghosts of Aths
So i really shouldn't be blogging considering I have a million and one things to do considering its Mummia Day tomorrow and I've got a pile of HW buttttttttt I thought I should
Today I made my way to the city and since the train stopped at Flinders I decided to walk to MC and enjoy the sunshine. Waiting to cross at the traffic lights, I realised just how hard it is to stand out in Melbourne. Everyone is freaky as sh*t.
I then spent about an hour selecting loose leaf paper from Officeworks.
I made ym way to state and studied with good old Becker until we got tired then bought mum cupcakes.
Yesterday was my last Athletics carnival and it was really worth it :) Me and the girls went as 'pastel' ghosts and it turned out to be, by and large, the best aths day ever. Even though I've become relatively weaker this year with the whole blood thing, I did a crap load of running (almost passing out because we didn't make nostril holes).
I've never been so proud of all my girls (yeah yeah soppy captain talk) and its making thinking about the end of this year all the harder.
Special mention to the Ghosts
Doubled as my breathing hole
Thanks to my class of 2010 for making it such a damn good day (L)(L)(L)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
So i really shouldn't be blogging considering I have a million and one things to do considering its Mummia Day tomorrow and I've got a pile of HW buttttttttt I thought I should
Today I made my way to the city and since the train stopped at Flinders I decided to walk to MC and enjoy the sunshine. Waiting to cross at the traffic lights, I realised just how hard it is to stand out in Melbourne. Everyone is freaky as sh*t.
I then spent about an hour selecting loose leaf paper from Officeworks.
I made ym way to state and studied with good old Becker until we got tired then bought mum cupcakes.
Yesterday was my last Athletics carnival and it was really worth it :) Me and the girls went as 'pastel' ghosts and it turned out to be, by and large, the best aths day ever. Even though I've become relatively weaker this year with the whole blood thing, I did a crap load of running (almost passing out because we didn't make nostril holes).
I've never been so proud of all my girls (yeah yeah soppy captain talk) and its making thinking about the end of this year all the harder.

Thanks to my class of 2010 for making it such a damn good day (L)(L)(L)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Mother's day,
State Library
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Mr. Pigeon 8-)
Hello my fury friends!
I just couldn't resist writing a blog about today. For the first time in gosh knows when, I had a worry free- birds chirping- green grass day.
Actually there were a few *gasp* moments and they were really pigeons and the grass was fake.
But the sun shone and it was beautiful.
I started off with double Bio which would have been a total drag if we hadn't celebrated our teacher's birthday with a big muffin (which almost made her cry because she loved us more than any class since 1993) and we learnt about plant hormones which was fun :)
We cruised through methods and then I spent my free period at an outside table doing productive homework with my best hens near the sun. I also sang quite loudly and pondered the endless ways I could eat this cute fat pigeon (AZN PRIDE YO).
Lunch came about and Taylor ask me whether I'd rather sew my eyes together or lick manure. I'll may have left that unanswered.
Another free was spent riding a rollercoaster on a macbook and then I cruised through Psych.

I wish more days like this existed. Though I am glad to be living proof there that Year 12 isn't a TOTAL puddle of boogery poo.
The only crap part was not having a camera to capture all these moments for hard evidence!
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Actually there were a few *gasp* moments and they were really pigeons and the grass was fake.
But the sun shone and it was beautiful.
I started off with double Bio which would have been a total drag if we hadn't celebrated our teacher's birthday with a big muffin (which almost made her cry because she loved us more than any class since 1993) and we learnt about plant hormones which was fun :)
We cruised through methods and then I spent my free period at an outside table doing productive homework with my best hens near the sun. I also sang quite loudly and pondered the endless ways I could eat this cute fat pigeon (AZN PRIDE YO).
Lunch came about and Taylor ask me whether I'd rather sew my eyes together or lick manure. I'll may have left that unanswered.
Another free was spent riding a rollercoaster on a macbook and then I cruised through Psych.

I wish more days like this existed. Though I am glad to be living proof there that Year 12 isn't a TOTAL puddle of boogery poo.
The only crap part was not having a camera to capture all these moments for hard evidence!
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
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