I'm sittin' here having passion fruit yoghurt and fishing my teeth for remnants of pips. Good past time.
I studying for my art sac but yoghurt's so much better. If you can tell me where the quote in my title is from without cheating I will share my yoghurt with you. Yes.
I won't know if you'll cheat so in advance....I take back my promise to share.
Past few months have been really hectic but I'm ploughing through the paperwork! Its almost over fat lady! You can stop singing in two months!
Some highlights of the past few months;
- Bridgette's Debutante

- Got a really bad haircut
(as if I'd take a photo of this)
- Got me some glasses! (Really light pointless ones for school)

- and year 12's whooped my big ass.
(no photo available)
The Allergy