I am currently doing the 40 Hour Famine and I've decided to give up furniture. My. Ass. Is Numb. I spent my first sleepless night on an exercise mat and when I woke up; everything cracked.

I am currently doing the 40 Hour Famine and I've decided to give up furniture. My. Ass. Is Numb. I spent my first sleepless night on an exercise mat and when I woke up; everything cracked.
However having said this I feel very fulfilled as I have raised 85% of my target goal of $100 dollars! I really do have the most generous friends in the the jewniverse.
Since my last post, many of my closest friends chose to celebrate their oh-so-important 19th which I was not complaining about since I missed so many of them during my trip.
First was Cherleen's 19th upon which I sent her a bouquet of lillies :) Because she's just as beautiful as they are! We went to this karaoke bar called Chaplin and I know how asian that is of us...but it was seriously so much fun. When we rocked up we were hesitant as it do i put this... a rape dungeon? There were unsexy neon lights, a spacious room and a man who spoke two words of engrish. Either way, we played the light up tambourines and sang our little hearts out into festy microphones.
Neeeext was Nam's birthday and I had a lot of trouble finding him a gift. So I decided to do what I knew best and build him a bear. Now Nam is currently employed at a place called Bunning's Warehouse which sells timber and gardening supplies and tools and barbecues and general outback supplies. So I put together for him a custom-made Bunnings Bear.

I bought a baby's t-shirt and altered it to fit the bear.
And then I painted the logo on it using shitty paint I found in the house!

Nam's rather tanned so i bought him a black bear and its wearing
the band I got him from Barcelona!
Next came darling Jill's birthday and boy was that a sexy night! She rented out a gorgeous double story apartment in the city for her closest friends with fairy lights and bubbles. We made punch in saucepans and drank them like posh people...and then we had some fairy bread :)

Me trying to sex jilly.

A bunch of us chipped in to get Jilly this beautiful Chanel Cake
because she deserves only the best :)
After that we went to a Melbourne Uni party where sleazy boys were sleazy.
But it was still very fun! Except for when someone stepped on my foot and I was paralysed for a good half hour. The bruise takes up half my foot.
Very lucky last was my best friend Fiffy's birthday. She had it at RANDY DRAGON - a very snazzy bar in the CBD. For anyone cool enough to understand the reference, I spent the week leading up to the event asking everyone "ARE. YOU. RANNNNNNNNDDDDDDYYYYY?"
The music was set to a sensual RnB theme and we got to hear our favourite tracks from the days of cooties.

Fi getting adorably emotional because her sister who is
overseas and who she misses very much organised for me to
get this cake for her! It was Lemon + poppyseed
nom nom and a totaly bitch to keep upsquished.
overseas and who she misses very much organised for me to
get this cake for her! It was Lemon + poppyseed
nom nom and a totaly bitch to keep upsquished.
I just spoil you with all these photos don't I. It raises the bar and I'll probably have to keep posting photos to keep you keen - dang it. Well I posted a new blog in under a month. Please be proud!
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)