Thursday, December 8, 2011



I started off the day meeting the Gimp at Seafolly (boy was it his lucky day).
For those who don't know Seafolly is basically the Louis Vuitton of swimwear.
We did a few laps of the shop and I got to choose a gorgeous pair as an early Christmas present so that I could take it on our trip to Rye and for when I go to the Gold Coast in Jan!
Yes I also tried them on ;)
They cost a pretty penny so I'm going to treasure them like my first born child.
But this is pretty much what I looked like.

Gurl look at dat body.
(I was singing that all day while I checked out my own man)

After this we had some lunchies and then met our favourite double datees - Giraffe + Sex Goddess. We then proceeded to get spa/sauna/pool passes at MSAC - Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre at Albert Park.
We waved in the wave pool, ahh'd in the spaaa, and sweated in the sauna.
Amazingly relaxing day!

On a less charming note, the video I posted in my last blog was a scham. Damn kids these days tugging on our vulnerable heart strings!

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

Monday, December 5, 2011



(and a very tired looking joanne)

Good evening one and all!

Today was a nice busy day today unlike yesterday when I spent the day wearing in my new denim my bed....and whilst making a cake.

le unfinished cake.

I woke up bright and early to open up at work for the first time! I had a manager with me so it wasn't so daunting but I'll have to do it on Friday on my own! Eeeep! Its probably not a big deal for half the world but you see I'm part re-tard (yes there is a hyphen there).
So I'm really scared of keys, money...any thing that hold value really.

Also I took home my Christmas present from Build-a-Bear! They gave us little Eriks from Happy Feet and his bow tie lights up!

I was so excited because we just got these funky drink bottles last year! I will also be celebrating my one year of work there very soon as well!
(I'm such a dag why do you read about my sad sad life).

I've also been getting back into playing me uke. I can't play very much.
I'm trying to master Island in the Sun by Weezer

girl look at dat body.

Well Saturday was a whole lot more exciting than both today and yesterday put together! Yes I jumped on the band wagon and hit the Stereosonic road! I managed to get tickets off Gumtree which i thought were for 180 for two but after a whole lot of hassle and damn debacle I ended up with them for just 50 bucks a piece! I bought them a few months ago as a present to the Gimp (refer to 4.11.11 blog).

To sum it up, I got my hair pulled, groped a few times, witnessed and smelt a truckload of fake tan and got dirty to filthy filthy music. I am also now 12% deafer.
Overall a very super day!



The least I can do is raise awareness. (I also love Sia playing in the background).

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)