Saturday, March 13, 2010

L to the E to the N to the T

Say hchello to ma liddle fren.
(and my pyjamas :) ) guys.

Yeah I can explain.
I apologise for not blogging for like the last...however many months but its Lent.
No, I didn't give up blogging for Lent and no I'm not even Christian.
But i DID give up facebook youtube and msn. And without facebook my blog is nothing. I may very well be writing to a humble unresponsive webpage and nobody else. *crickets*
So excuse my negativity, but the bottom line is, I really didn't think anybody would be reading and also, I was just plain lazy.You may be asking a few questions from here:

1. Why on earth would you do that to yourself.

2. So why did you decide to write now?

And my answers would be:
1. Hi my name is Joanne and I'm a facetube-aholic.
I really wanted to challenge myself, see how disciplined I was. I thought I may as well try it out while other people are giving up their luxuries. I've done a good job of not giving in, especially the youtube thing...thats...thats been heart wrenching.

2. Often things that happen during my day make me really want to blog and think back on my day so going without it wasn't really doing any justice.

I'm beginning to hope no-one is reading this jibberish.

No, but seriously, giving up Facebook has made me realise how dependent I am on it to socialise. I'm barely staying in contact with people outside of school which quite frankly didn't come as a surprise.
I find myself in situations where I think " Hey this would be a good status"
I found that I need to communicate only the things of utmost important considering its not so much at my fingertips.
Facebook less life has taught me a little in the last 30 odd days. Really enriching stuff.

I made chocolate cupcakes today :) My nephews helped!

I went to the milk bar this evening to get some milk and OJ and made a striking revelation. Both sleazes and hotties come out at weekend sundown. On my way there a I came across a whole lot of sleazes and to my surprise a few hotties. See, I'm used to the sleazes but the hotties were a nice change.
As long as there's a balance between the two, I'm satisfied. I did a little strut with my milk on my way back, replacing the usual slouched crawl.

Oh P.S - I cut all my hair off (see above).

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)


  1. Welcome back to internet land!

    Was rather odd not seeing an almost daily updated blog from you O:


  3. Haha glad to know someone reads my jibberish jim :D

    Aw thanks Lisa. Yeah its a bit messy in the picture but yes I chopped it all off :)
