Happy happy happy happy birthday to KimLam!!! She's turned 17 today so
show her all the love you can :)Today was an overall lovely day despite the
horrid weather :D For one my hair didn't get mucky and I got to bond with
my Text class at a Lecture in the city today :)The day started with a chem test on which I assume I failed miserably :)
It was rushed but we got there :) Our biology excursion to the Zoo was
postponed 'till next week because the Meerkats would not come out in the rain :(
After school our Texts teacher dropped us off at the destination and let us wander
off for dinner before going to the actual lecture. The lecture was perhaps the most
hilarious lecture in the history of lectures. One of the lecturers kept pronouncing
things funny and I couldn't control myself. Please excuse my immaturity :) BUT
YEAH IT WAS GOOD. We got to see the other people doing texts and were
encouraged to join the FaceBook group TEEHEE.
Sorry, really poorly written blog tonight I'm so distracted :| Drop dead diva - I'm trying it out :)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mormy workin' hard on my deb dress that makes me look phat :)
So Sat'day was Fi and KLam's 17th birthday bash :) Happy birthday to my lovely ladies :) That day Begun with some deb shoe shopping with my sister and alas WE FOUND A PAIR! They were 140 from Zu shoe but we split the bill so it was 70 on each of our behalves (sharing is caring). I'd draw them buttttt I wouldn't be doing them justice. They maybe a little too high :(, I'll have to check with Andrew but hopefully they're okay so I don't have to go return them.
Then I got all jazzed up in my blouse and jeans (the uber creative theme of the night) and headed off to pick up Thidge AND THEN off to Gus' house for some lovin'. Over all a spectacular night of jammin', drinkin' (not something I'd do often) andddd dancin' of course. I had a little of the green elixir only because Fi was begging me with her birthday eyes. I'm not sure if I was tipsy or just really enlightened by the party...probably the former. It allowed me to discover that I'm the singing sleepy kind of drunk perhaps...but then again how is that a change from my sober state.
Quote of the night :
Son sits on arm chair with Thidge's feet propped up on his knees. Joanne strolls past to find a feather of some sort on Thidge's shoe-
JO: Thao you got some shit stuck to the bottom of your shoe :|
LEE: Oh nah nah don't worry its just Son.
The gathered children laugh incessantly for a lengthy period of time and *hifive* repeatedly.
Yes it was an awesome night of tears and cake fights :)
TODAY I had tutor and then went to the LaTrobe Uni open day. I wasn't disappointed but I wasn't in awe of what and who I encountered there as I would have loved to be. I got some brochures and what not but after the past week of subject selections and chats to teachers I'm not sure of what I want to do after St. Als. Well wish me luck :)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Friday, August 28, 2009
I am both physically and mentally destroyed but I had to blog before all the information from the past 24 hours leak from my ears.
TODAY WAS THE DEBATING COMPETITION AT MOUNT LILYDALE COLLEGE :) So we woke up bright and early to get to school at 7.00 which was extremely difficult considering I stayed up till 1.30 in the AM doing my art folio, selecting my subjects and writing up debating cue cards.
So we got going in this dingy little bus which was really cute but made the ride oh so bumpy ;). So Mt. Lilydale was amazing. The school was modern and approx. 459845869259827 times larger than ours (then again which school isn't :D). We re-met the fantastic people we met at Frayne last year so that was good too :D
In the end we lost our rounds by two points which really did suck but that meant we could go watch the verse choirs which was AWEEESOOOOMMMEEEEE. Congratulations to Chani our very own public speaker who got into the finals :D We were so proud! And she supplied us with the Kleenexes :) And gorgeous Ms. Gillies gave us chocolates for being so good :) (L) her!
This week was unbelievably hectic, like I was really pushed to my limits with regards to keeping my cool. Forms were due in left and right, subject selections, my folio and little bits of work and tests along with debating every free moment. But to be honest, in the least corny way possible, it was an unbelievable experience. Thinking on your toes, holding back the shakes, making points up on the spot? Okay so it might not be everyone's cup of tea but it really taught me a lot, which was all I really wanted from it :)
On my way home I felt so good I bought myself some earrings from Sportsgirl to wear to Fi and KLam's bash tomorrow :) Both rewards for my hard earned work (i think). On the tram I thought I'd relax for the first time in what felt like a month and made cloud pictures. I came up with Dakota Fanning at a tea party with a bear then it morphed into Neptune King of the Ocean with his trident.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
TODAY WAS THE DEBATING COMPETITION AT MOUNT LILYDALE COLLEGE :) So we woke up bright and early to get to school at 7.00 which was extremely difficult considering I stayed up till 1.30 in the AM doing my art folio, selecting my subjects and writing up debating cue cards.
So we got going in this dingy little bus which was really cute but made the ride oh so bumpy ;). So Mt. Lilydale was amazing. The school was modern and approx. 459845869259827 times larger than ours (then again which school isn't :D). We re-met the fantastic people we met at Frayne last year so that was good too :D
In the end we lost our rounds by two points which really did suck but that meant we could go watch the verse choirs which was AWEEESOOOOMMMEEEEE. Congratulations to Chani our very own public speaker who got into the finals :D We were so proud! And she supplied us with the Kleenexes :) And gorgeous Ms. Gillies gave us chocolates for being so good :) (L) her!

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Amarakaeri (Peru)

I really should take my blog pictures before my showers so I still have mascara on and don't look so sickly :|
THERE'S A MOUSE IN THE HOUSE AND THE HOUSE IS UPSIDE DOWN. No really there is a mouse in our house which is not only the most exciting thing that has happened all week but the second most disgusting. We've never had a mouse in the house so it really is quite an adventure. No we're not dirty people who don't throw their rubbish away properly or say "pass the fucking potatoes" (haha anyone seen the orphan? No? Okay) but I think its because of the winter and the mice want to find a good home, or so my sister says. She was the one who spotted the mouse first and I thought she was having delusions because WE DA CLEAN PEEPOLE.
Mum and dad have turned the house upside down to catch it so lets hope we get the little bugger. Preferably not kill it but catch it y'know?

Round 1 - Technology is destroying individuality (Affirmative)
Round 2 - Economists are no better than fortune tellers (Negative)
Finals - Clue: Conservation in Australia :|
Tomas if you are reading this you are so going down ......at least once :$ HA.HA.

Wish me luck lovelies :)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
(Amungme - Indonesia)

I'm trying to learn Fallin' for you amidst the load of homework and although I now have a capo, it sounds nothing like it should. I'm either terrible at guitar or the internet lies (most may think the latter but it is most probably the former).
I'm, spending every friggin moment debating and its starting to get pretty old. The events on Friday so I can't wait to get that out of my hair.
I realised everytime I exfoliate my face I get a pimple, without fail :\ So I either have old skin on my face or red dots. Shall we poll it? Yes w'shall. Leave comments below (also a cheap ploy to get some followers).
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Monday, August 24, 2009
(Alabamu - Old Texas)
Dr. Zoidberg :)
(Alabamu - Old Texas)

YELLOH. Oh god guys today was perhaps one of the most stressful and do you know why? BECAUSE I'M A WORRY WART. Okay so fair enough the work is piling up, but I decided to do a big freak-out and assume my debating plastic pocket was lost because it wasn't at school. That draped a grey sheet over the day and I began to feel overwhelmed by everything. Of course I was being a drama queen and spent two thirds of my day rummaging through my locker for a plastic pocket with scribbly notes in it.
I had a double free in the morning which I tried to use well but failed miserably, running around trying to tie up the loose ends of homework from all my subjects. Debating is on Friday and we're really pushing for time which concerns me :| But i really shouldn't be worrying you with that. My mentality is a big fuzzy ball right now so don't mind the rubbish talk. It was just one of those bad days where your hair feels oily and you keep asking people if it looks oily but its not. Ya'know?
Well we have deb prac tomorrow so that should be something to look forward to :) (OH FFFFRUITCAKE I DON'T HAVE WHITE SHOES YET! G [The dance teacher whose name we can't get right] is going to kill me!!)
Okay I have to go gather some old clothes and books for the Sids Kids drive! (L)(L)(L)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

Okay I have to go gather some old clothes and books for the Sids Kids drive! (L)(L)(L)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Sunday, August 23, 2009

That'll be three dollars boys. We're girls. I know.
Okay so pretty damn ordinary Sunday. Tutor but no driving because dad had to go see a friend (and we had a mam fight in the morning). So I was home alone for a little before Lan came over and I showed her some youtube vids I've been stalking lately.
THEN (best part of the grey day) Duy swung by and let me borrow his guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really want to play Fallin' for you - Colbie Calliat but I need a capo so I'll grab one of those asap. Such a lovely song :) THANKS DUY!!! Gotta love that kid. I feel so mexican with the guitar it warms my heart. Senor. Bebe would be proud.
I have begun a new book - When Madeline was Young by Jane Hamilton. I got it at Dirt Cheap Books. Its rather confronting but fantastic plot.
I have also been ytbing this MJ medley and its amazing - like nothing I've seen before. All day I've been trying to figure out who does what -
Ana showed me, its a possible option for soiree but it would be lots of hard hard work :|
ANYWAYYYSSS homework time.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Okay so pretty damn ordinary Sunday. Tutor but no driving because dad had to go see a friend (and we had a mam fight in the morning). So I was home alone for a little before Lan came over and I showed her some youtube vids I've been stalking lately.

I have also been ytbing this MJ medley and its amazing - like nothing I've seen before. All day I've been trying to figure out who does what -
Ana showed me, its a possible option for soiree but it would be lots of hard hard work :|
ANYWAYYYSSS homework time.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Oh. My. GAWSH. So its the morning after the winter sleep out and I predict a few plates in my neck are out of place. Yes I slept on the floor of the school hall last night with 40 other screaming snoring girls armed with pillows and candy bars. BUT IT WAS AWESOME.
Yesterday was pyjama day so I was adorned with flannelet pants and my sloppy joe which made it potentially the most comfortable day of the year.

Up in the hall we set up camp and realised we were the only ones without matresses...mmm we shall live to regret the day we left them behind. Well we got into a game called Articulation, seriously how do you articulate "The Shetland Islands" without saying its actual title.
Jo: Okay so whats another word for poo???
Cherz & Fran : POO! UH SHIT!
Cherz: She..et?
Cherz: land!

JO: Would you rather...put your face to Mr.____'s ass and experience his fart, or rip off your baby toenail?
ALL: HAHAHAHAAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA (continued for about 10 minutes)

I also got a new freckle over the week. (Y)(N)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
WINTER SLEEP OUT TOMORROW! I'm thuper duper exthited!!!!!!!! I get to wear my pjs for like 40 hours straight and there nothing anyone can do about it! :D I was considering entering the city after school in my jammies but I may just strip of and wear the tights I'll have underneath.
Well period 1-4 went relatively quickly but fifth and onwards was the most slow, draining, TEDIOUS afternoon of my LAIFE. I had double chem and trust me acids and bases begin to get a little grey after 10 minutes :| But Isabel and I occupied ourselves with lolly bags and frayed string. Then we whispered about how awesome it is after taking a shower and hopping into a bed with clean sheets :)
THENNNN when i thought the agony was over I had debating after school because we'd run out of lunches to work in. I know I'm a big dork but extra curricular stuff makes me feel important OKAY?
THENNNN I was alone and just missed the bus, forcing myself not to buy food like the fat s*** I am. I was made to sit with north melbourne druggies who spit in either direction, facing the same fate as I - twenty minutes in the bitchy wind >:| Getting to Footscray I missed the tram so I caught a bus that stops no where near my house.
Crossing the road I looked up and saw a car and guess whose it was....LAN'S! My sister had arrived back from Fiji and from the glimpse I caught while the little green man flickered she had gotten the biggest tan and a concave haircut. Now this made me laugh and do you know why? My other sister recently got herself a concave cut so I suppose its my turn.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Guys! I am so terribly sorry for not blogging (NOOOT THAT ANYBODY WAS REALLY COMPLAINING) and I know when I say that it sound like I have a legit excuse but I actually don't. My days haven't been all that exciting really. But I did have deb practice which was mounds of fun.
Gran brought home some of these chocolate wafers and she's gotten me totally hooked. Seriously they're weapons its scary. And today I went to buy some gorgeous ribbon to sell at school to raise money for the winter sleep out :D I am so excited. This Friday our school is holding the Winter Sleep Out to raise money for the homeless in attempt to experience a fraction of what they must feel each day. Its part of Social Justice (GO THE JUSTICE LEAGUE) so my rents are totes letting me :) We're all bunking up in the hall, actually we will be sleeping on the floor but it should be LOADS OF FUN :D Even better its going to be Pyjama Day so I'll be in my jammy's for like two days HA!
Time to practice the ukulele :)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Swine - burn (GA-ROSS)
Wimafa shoo!
(Has got to be the best greeting by far -
Adyghe FTW!!)dOn'T mEsS wIv mE
Yigiddy yo! Soooo this morning was pretty av, I had English tutor for two hours then Maths tutor for two hours and almost committed suicide then fully got into it. When it was time to leave I assumed dad would take me to the Swineburn or ACU open day (not Melbourne I went last year and they gave me a free KK but I could get that off Fi anytime) like we had planned but he said to just go next year (probably because it was pelting down hugungous raindrops). I was cold so I didn't object.
Then I put on Princess Diaries like I always do on Sundays and ate a crap load of noodles because dad wouldn't make me anything and I was too cold to make something decent THEN I fell asleep! For like 20 minutes. I felt bad for sleeping then eating so I started my background for my art piece.
You guys have an awesome week. I know I sure will.....GAH HA.HA. :|
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Then I put on Princess Diaries like I always do on Sundays and ate a crap load of noodles because dad wouldn't make me anything and I was too cold to make something decent THEN I fell asleep! For like 20 minutes. I felt bad for sleeping then eating so I started my background for my art piece.
Dad suggested I go to the gym, probably because I looked like a fat slob so I said yes even though my core was aching from Friday's visit to the gym. I drove there and parked the car really badly :) After some weights and cardio I did my usual floor work which CANED because I forced myself to do sit-ups GAH. Then I began some jack knives when an instructor told me to try a new one. HMM... now we all know the outcome cannot be good. My new exercise involves placing a foot on either poles of a yoga ball and lifting it straight up. If my abdomen could commit suicide, IT WOULD. I am going to be so sore tomorrow. No -one make me laugh.
You guys have an awesome week. I know I sure will.....GAH HA.HA. :|
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
ChÃkmà a!
Today is Jill's 17th birthday!!! So I began the day with a drive and a good drive at that! I think (i hope) I'm getting better! Then I bought a pot plant for Jilla because shes so down to earth and bummed at Thao's till it was time to go. We began watching knocked up thennnnnnn ran to the bus stop.
Thought: I noticed nobody really celebrates their birthdays on their actualy birth date like Jill did today, probably because we work around school and such. How very sad.
On our way to Fraus Zab, Thao and I discovered a cute little record store with old dudes standing around and drinking beer. They were lovely people whom we hope to run into again! Arriving at Fraus, FFW to when everyone arrived - I ordered an organic cola and a choc pear crepe :) The crepe wasn't impressive but i had some of Carmel's tandoori chicken one and that was fab so I'm going back for that.
* Joanne's suggestion: Fraus is a gorgeous little french creperie in north melbourne near Simonds.
After filling up KBOX was the next destination because The Ugly Truth filled up right before we were about to buy our tix :( We sang our little hearts out and then made our way home!
Sorry about the high level of boredom you may be experiencing with this blog but I'm too tired to be creative SOOOOO HAVE A LOVELY NIGHT :)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Thought: I noticed nobody really celebrates their birthdays on their actualy birth date like Jill did today, probably because we work around school and such. How very sad.
On our way to Fraus Zab, Thao and I discovered a cute little record store with old dudes standing around and drinking beer. They were lovely people whom we hope to run into again! Arriving at Fraus, FFW to when everyone arrived - I ordered an organic cola and a choc pear crepe :) The crepe wasn't impressive but i had some of Carmel's tandoori chicken one and that was fab so I'm going back for that.
* Joanne's suggestion: Fraus is a gorgeous little french creperie in north melbourne near Simonds.
After filling up KBOX was the next destination because The Ugly Truth filled up right before we were about to buy our tix :( We sang our little hearts out and then made our way home!
Sorry about the high level of boredom you may be experiencing with this blog but I'm too tired to be creative SOOOOO HAVE A LOVELY NIGHT :)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Friday, August 14, 2009

I HAD THE DAY OFF TODAY! There was a teacher reflection day which meant all the girls had the day off so we took the opportunity to go out for Taylor's birthday. SO GUESS WHAT WE WATCHED? Yes, against my will we watched the Orphan. It was surprisingly good and more of a WTF kind of horror rather than a EWWW kind of horror. Really good twist so If your game watch it properly unlike I did - curled up in a ball on my friend's lap.
I drove lots today! One trip involved going to the gym where I worked my ass off! Then i came home and ruined it all because gran made viet pancakes :| At least O ate three proper good meals today. Unlike yesterday which involved me eating the whole of Footscray and a little more.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Eli O!

Okay so I can officially say I haven't laughed so hard in a really, really long time. Today I was either in stitches or about to fall asleep. I laughed about funny faces, Lady Gaga's penis, Mr. Riz Today was a lovely day in the fact that homework was minimal...and when I say minimal I mean not overloaded haha.
I think luck was on my side this afternoon! Thao Zab and I went to eat some Pho because we got to Footscrazy so early and we ran after the bus but missed it...BUTTTTTT the next one came almost straight away and it was empty so we took a row each and embraced the luck. THEN. As soon as we hopped on it started pouurrrrinnnggg rain! How good was our timing!?!?! After a soothing bus ride the luck continued because when it got to my stop...IT STOPPED RAINING. Thats right thank you God :) (A)
I hope you all have as good of a day that I did!
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

I hope you all have as good of a day that I did!
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Okay so if you haven't noticed today's blog is dedicated to my bestest friend Fiffy :) For 14 years shes had to put up with me but I repaid her with the awesomest (if i may say so myself) treasure hunt :) That totally tired her out but she loved it regardless which was allll that mattered.
After setting up this elaborate goose chase we proceeded to have lots, and lots of cake.

So I'll be keeping this one short. Oh please listen to Huu's Man in the Mirror. It is unbelievable. I told him so in a comment :)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Perhaps the highlight of the day was walking/ running/ collapsing...in the rain.
So I began the day stressed out of my nuts about the Text sac I had. BAH. But after that I was juuustttt finnneee. I made some progress on my artwork, finally deciding my final medium that I'll be using :)
FFWD to period six which was a FREEE therefore dashing off to MC for some gyoza before heading back to do deb prac. I don't think I've laughed or stunk so bad in my LIFE. Four girls, one umbrella, lots of blazers that smell like wet dog.
Unfortunately Andrew was sick as a dawg so he couldn't come to practice! So Julius, the good friend he is 'offered' to come for the day so I wouldn't have to dance with Gladys...Glennis...G - our instructor :)
Please check out my youtube page potatojoanne for the videos james eric and I spent making all afternon :)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Perhaps the highlight of the day was walking/ running/ collapsing...in the rain.
So I began the day stressed out of my nuts about the Text sac I had. BAH. But after that I was juuustttt finnneee. I made some progress on my artwork, finally deciding my final medium that I'll be using :)

Please check out my youtube page potatojoanne for the videos james eric and I spent making all afternon :)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Rufous Bettong
I had my biology presentation on the Rufous Bettong which I worked really hard on, yet I don't think it lived up to the presentation by the girls who had animals a little more common :( It was definitely a tough crowd, all my little jokes left crickets :( So THAT wasn't great.
I have deb practice tomorrow and I still don't have shoes. I must remind myself to bring a flower to practice dancing with.
Well I've got me a text sac tomorrow and I'm taking full advantage of the double sided notes we can bring in :D
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Sunday, August 9, 2009

So I had to be an early riser, literally forcing myself to go to tutor. I've been a responsible girl and told dad I want to being methods tutoring again to challenge myself which I may learn to regret.
Then i drove to spotlight and before even turning out of the the street i was in i almost crashed into this KFJAI'OGJEKF; of a car. ZAH! Then dad went loopy loop and I wanted to die and yes. BUT I BOUGHT SOME STUFF WHICH MADE ME HAPPY. :D
I then bought lamingtons because IGA didn't have the new Vogue :( Then I hid them and then ate one and then regretted it because my deb dress only just fits :| WHOOPPPSS. From here I have done ridiculous amounts of homework.
Apologies for the lifeless blog, I'm watching Little Miss Sunshine and its gotten me into an emo writing mode HAHA
Keeping you posted -Joanne (L)
Then i drove to spotlight and before even turning out of the the street i was in i almost crashed into this KFJAI'OGJEKF; of a car. ZAH! Then dad went loopy loop and I wanted to die and yes. BUT I BOUGHT SOME STUFF WHICH MADE ME HAPPY. :D
I then bought lamingtons because IGA didn't have the new Vogue :( Then I hid them and then ate one and then regretted it because my deb dress only just fits :| WHOOPPPSS. From here I have done ridiculous amounts of homework.
Apologies for the lifeless blog, I'm watching Little Miss Sunshine and its gotten me into an emo writing mode HAHA
Keeping you posted -Joanne (L)
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hello children, I am your other Joanne. HAHAHAHAHHA. Yeah only the cool kids would get that because only cool kids have watched CORALINE! That's right I marched my fat ass down to MC to catch the latest movie as imaginative as the original Willy Wonka. And tagging along were three children of great importance -James, Eric and Duy Sanshine.
Too much popcorn, coke and 3D visuals = PHOTOBOOTH! Below was our second attempt at being cool but James managed to get a middle part in both trials =="

Totally awesum movie guys I really suggest you watch it! But it does get kinda freaky as James and Eric would tell you if their faces weren't stuffed with popcorn and we werent trying to steal the 3D glasses. DON'T TRY IT GUYS THEY HAVE BEEPER MACHINES. :D Okay homework time (A)
We then OD'ed on Krispy Kreme and afterwards Eric James and I got a Pocky each TEEHEE
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Too much popcorn, coke and 3D visuals = PHOTOBOOTH! Below was our second attempt at being cool but James managed to get a middle part in both trials =="
Totally awesum movie guys I really suggest you watch it! But it does get kinda freaky as James and Eric would tell you if their faces weren't stuffed with popcorn and we werent trying to steal the 3D glasses. DON'T TRY IT GUYS THEY HAVE BEEPER MACHINES. :D Okay homework time (A)
We then OD'ed on Krispy Kreme and afterwards Eric James and I got a Pocky each TEEHEE
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Fantastic movie! I was really blown away I suggest it to all who are reading. So....fat old man eating Cheetos by your laptop...WATCH THE PRESTIGE.
So today was a rather good day. I made some headway on my artwork which was goooooooddd. And all the little nitty gritties of the week have been resolved so I'm very happy :) I did my TextTrad oral which I actually think I didn't do very well on but ...let us not dwell! I then ended my dad with a good old 216/219 afternoon with Thidge ;)
On a little bit of a sadder note - JOHN HUGHS DIED! :( A very grave loss as he made some of my most favourite movies - The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink and Ferris :(
I ALSO PURCHASED THE DEB DRESS I'VE BEEN DEBATING. I promised my sister if i didn't find another dress I'd get this one and I didn't so I did :) Haha. It didn't wow me but I got it so I would shut up and finally have a dress. Now that its here with me and I've tried it on its really growing on me :) AND after trying it on again I realised mum doesn't need to take it out ...it fits! Juuusttt though! Its a small size six so I suppose I won't be eating for a while. No really I've begun a no junk food ....eating scheme (I don't really like the word 'diet') starting tonight! I did it for Lent I can do it for Deb :D Mum has to cut off the train on the dress which makes me feel so guilty so we are currently trying to find ways out of it :D
TONIGHT MY SISTER AND HER BEAU ARE GOING TO FIJI :( (Yes above is the greeting in Fijian) I will miss her terribly but maybe she can bring back some sunshine for Melbourne. The weather hasn't been the best :S
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Kwai Kwai!
My dearest noodle puffs I'm so sorry for not blogging for so long. The hype of production died down and I was like eh, life SUCKS! No it wasn't that dramatic BUT DON'T YOU WISH LIFE WAS! Hahah it actually sort of is I've had a sucky week sorta so meh.

Well on Tuesday we had our first DEBUTANTE BALL dance practice which was sufficiently awkward but nonetheless a heap of fun :) I come out fifth in line while Claude and Hudson lead us all TEEHEE. After this I proceeded to purchase alot of Asian junk food (for all those who don't know my mum sometimes works at an Asian grocers and its like having a gift voucher to all the Pocky and jackfruit chips in the world.
And gooooooodnessss gracious, after failed attempts to find a deb dress in the city I've decided to jsut go with the one I have on hold that hasn't wowed me...but it will do. I'm only going to be in it for four or five hours. THEN I GET TO STRIP NAKED AT THE AFTER PARTY. So kidding..but you would like that wouldn't you YOU DIRTY BASTARD.
Have a loooveellyyy nighttt and I am going to begin the countdown to my best friend's birthday starting tonight :) but i get credit for reminding you all.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
My dearest noodle puffs I'm so sorry for not blogging for so long. The hype of production died down and I was like eh, life SUCKS! No it wasn't that dramatic BUT DON'T YOU WISH LIFE WAS! Hahah it actually sort of is I've had a sucky week sorta so meh.

Well on Tuesday we had our first DEBUTANTE BALL dance practice which was sufficiently awkward but nonetheless a heap of fun :) I come out fifth in line while Claude and Hudson lead us all TEEHEE. After this I proceeded to purchase alot of Asian junk food (for all those who don't know my mum sometimes works at an Asian grocers and its like having a gift voucher to all the Pocky and jackfruit chips in the world.

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
:( Certain as the sun
Bziara ubaant!
Morning after attack of the hairspray & a mini sushi.

I'm so damn sad! It's all over :(
Well heres how the last night went :)
People in Audience: EVERYONE I KNOW. Thank you Mum, Dad, Fi, Izabeel, Claud, Tahlerh, Jiss, Julie, KLam, Zab, Jules, Lee, Long, Gus, PT, Ray for coming and supporting me! You guys were awesome :D Mistakes: OHMYGOSH, it was the night with the biggest audience and I made the biggest stuff up! Delayed like every song :| Really bad! I hope no one noticed!
Backstage: Bad boy stories with Georgia, Sam, my silly girls, Frances and Anne - I'M GONNA MISS THIS! :(
Standard: Not as good as Thurs but better then Friday :) 3.5 Stars :D HAHA
Crowd: Bit tough! But still awesome :)
Mannnn I'm gonna miss this so bad :( I'll get everyone to sign my script ....Maybe I'll call another rehearsal :D HAHAH
Today I completed another hour of driving for my log book :) I'm officially on main roads which is great despite dad telling me about every stop and give way sign 20 metres ahead :)
Oh I'm adding something new to my blog, because I am a hardcore youtoober I get readily addicted to musical vids so here is my current tube-diction (i couldn't find a combination of youtube and addiction that wasn't in the slightest way dirty so shut up).
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
P.S. - Sorry the font was so big on yesterday's blog, blogspot stuffed up on me and it wont change teehee!
Well heres how the last night went :)
People in Audience: EVERYONE I KNOW. Thank you Mum, Dad, Fi, Izabeel, Claud, Tahlerh, Jiss, Julie, KLam, Zab, Jules, Lee, Long, Gus, PT, Ray for coming and supporting me! You guys were awesome :D Mistakes: OHMYGOSH, it was the night with the biggest audience and I made the biggest stuff up! Delayed like every song :| Really bad! I hope no one noticed!
Backstage: Bad boy stories with Georgia, Sam, my silly girls, Frances and Anne - I'M GONNA MISS THIS! :(
Standard: Not as good as Thurs but better then Friday :) 3.5 Stars :D HAHA
Crowd: Bit tough! But still awesome :)
Mannnn I'm gonna miss this so bad :( I'll get everyone to sign my script ....Maybe I'll call another rehearsal :D HAHAH

Oh I'm adding something new to my blog, because I am a hardcore youtoober I get readily addicted to musical vids so here is my current tube-diction (i couldn't find a combination of youtube and addiction that wasn't in the slightest way dirty so shut up).
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
P.S. - Sorry the font was so big on yesterday's blog, blogspot stuffed up on me and it wont change teehee!
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