(Alabamu - Old Texas)
Dr. Zoidberg :)
(Alabamu - Old Texas)

YELLOH. Oh god guys today was perhaps one of the most stressful and do you know why? BECAUSE I'M A WORRY WART. Okay so fair enough the work is piling up, but I decided to do a big freak-out and assume my debating plastic pocket was lost because it wasn't at school. That draped a grey sheet over the day and I began to feel overwhelmed by everything. Of course I was being a drama queen and spent two thirds of my day rummaging through my locker for a plastic pocket with scribbly notes in it.
I had a double free in the morning which I tried to use well but failed miserably, running around trying to tie up the loose ends of homework from all my subjects. Debating is on Friday and we're really pushing for time which concerns me :| But i really shouldn't be worrying you with that. My mentality is a big fuzzy ball right now so don't mind the rubbish talk. It was just one of those bad days where your hair feels oily and you keep asking people if it looks oily but its not. Ya'know?
Well we have deb prac tomorrow so that should be something to look forward to :) (OH FFFFRUITCAKE I DON'T HAVE WHITE SHOES YET! G [The dance teacher whose name we can't get right] is going to kill me!!)
Okay I have to go gather some old clothes and books for the Sids Kids drive! (L)(L)(L)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

Okay I have to go gather some old clothes and books for the Sids Kids drive! (L)(L)(L)
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
best of luck for debating! (Y)