Arabic (Kuwait)
My one and only advice is co-co-ca-cola and ice.
I am both physically and mentally destroyed but I had to blog before all the information from the past 24 hours leak from my ears.
MOUNT LILYDALE COLLEGE :) So we woke up bright and early to get to school at 7.00 which was extremely difficult considering I stayed up till 1.30 in the AM doing my art folio, selecting my subjects and writing up debating cue cards.
So we got going in this dingy little bus which was really cute but made the ride oh so bumpy ;). So Mt. Lilydale was amazing. The school was modern and approx. 459845869259827 times larger than ours (then again which school isn't :D). We re-met the fantastic people we met at Frayne last year so that was good too :D
In the end we lost our rounds by two points which really did suck but that meant we could go watch the verse choirs which was AWEEESOOOOMMMEEEEE. Congratulations to Chani our very own public speaker who got into the finals :D We were so proud! And she supplied us with the Kleenexes :) And gorgeous Ms. Gillies gave us chocolates for being so good :) (L) her!

This week was unbelievably hectic, like I was really pushed to my limits with regards to keeping my cool. Forms were due in left and right, subject selections, my folio and little bits of work and tests along with debating every free moment. But to be honest, in the least corny way possible, it was an unbelievable experience. Thinking on your toes, holding back the shakes, making points up on the spot? Okay so it might not be everyone's cup of tea but it really taught me a lot, which was all I really wanted from it :)

On my way home I felt so good I bought myself some earrings from Sportsgirl to wear to Fi and KLam's bash tomorrow :) Both rewards for my hard earned work (i think). On the tram I thought I'd relax for the first time in what felt like a month and made cloud pictures. I came up with
Dakota Fanning at a tea party with a bear then it morphed into Neptune King of the Ocean with his trident.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
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