Friday, September 11, 2009

A+ A B+ B

Alsatian (France)

BTW, FYI, I'm an A positive blood type. But that's not what the titles about. I'm really sick of grades and school and BAH! Yes BAH! I know everyone hates school and all, I honestly don't but the fact that I do right now concerns me. I can't even look forward to the holidays because I have a texts practice exam in the second week. Really just blah. I'm sorry I don't usually blog in these kinds of moods but I can't do anything but blog.

Anyways I'm working on some artwork because water colouring really is the only thing that is keeping me sane. For the first time I'm watching the 7pm program, this being the first time because its usually really shat. But they've been talking about the South African athlete Caster Semenya and her gender insecurities (hermaphrodite-ness). I'm rather intrigued, apparently she has no womb and no ovaries but both genitals? Mmm. The media are a weird bunch of people.
About today, I shall just extract the good parts - I had double art in the morning and played around with the water colour palette. Considering its the only aspect of school keeping me sane, I've put some thought into becoming an art teacher. But that is just one of the branches extending from my tired little brain at the moment.

For deb I have my hair booked at Anthony's at highpoint and my makeup at MAC in the city. The deb is in one week. Help me Lord.

I think my current FB status could be a blog post in itself.


Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

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