
I look foul today so I found this old picture of Thidge and I. Miss those summer days where you could get way with wearing nothing :)
Apsaaloke (Montana USA)

I look foul today so I found this old picture of Thidge and I. Miss those summer days where you could get way with wearing nothing :)
Okay so sorry guys I've really had a shitty few days (excuse my french). But some highlights shall follow.
Monday - We had deb practice at the actual reception and thank god Andrew couldn't make it because I would have spent the whole time whining about my hurty feet :( Hoepfully it will all come together and look nicer than it does now.
Tuesday - We had the Biology excursion! We got to go to the zoo and observed Meerkat behaviour :D They were absolutely adorable - the way they slept the way they huddled in the cold :D Of course after our observations it began to rain, so heavily in fact that we all bought
five dollar ponchos and ran back to school looking like bloated smurfs (refer to below image) :)

"Whaddup G?" - Monitoring Meerkats

Yesterday I got my average Texts 3/4 score for Unit Three which was lovely. But my last sac got a horrendous score so I'll try my best to notch that back up :) No use crying over spilt milk.
Today we practiced our audition piece for soiree. Hopefully we get it together asap :)
I hope your weeks turned out a little better than mine. Well the first half was lovely, the second half traumatic (tad exaggeration). I'm just getting a little sick of the high school girl bitching scene. Holla if you hear me.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
Today we practiced our audition piece for soiree. Hopefully we get it together asap :)
I hope your weeks turned out a little better than mine. Well the first half was lovely, the second half traumatic (tad exaggeration). I'm just getting a little sick of the high school girl bitching scene. Holla if you hear me.
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
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