THE HAIR GROWS!So I don't think I've touched this thing for months and to anyone who still reads it - GET SOME HOBBIES KIDS. No I'm kidding you guys are just adorably dedicated, especially since the development of tumblr - too cool for an e!
I know its tradition to start my blogs with an apology and pathetic reason as to why I don't blog but we all know I'm just plain fat and lazy :) Don't take it personally, I've neglected my youtube channel as well.
Sooo I'm just going to dive head first into my recent agendas!
I recently came back from a three and a half week trip around London, France and Spain. My destinations were London, Paris, Nice, Barcelona, Madrid, San Sebastian and few little places in between. I have yet to upload ALL of the photos (*insert giant excuse about me being jetlagged and busy to disguise my lazyness) but I got an amazing overview of all the things you see and read about in travel journals and movies.

Yes I took pictures kissing Roman statues in the British museum, attempting look inspiringly radient with the Eiffle Tower beaming behind me and saying OLE! at the Bull fights but I missed everyone in Melbourne everyday that I was away. People say that Europe's supposed to change your life but though it gave me insight into an amazing life away from home, it made me realise two things:
1. I love the people at home way too much to ever leave for any longer than maybe two months. Melbourne offers me more than I could ever ask for and I think alot of us take it for granted. But then again I might be saying the same thing if I was living in Iceland - just as long as my family and friends were there.
2. The next time I travel its either going to be to a real exploration or for a real cause. I've been playing the tourist for way too long - I think I need to leave the camera at home and actually experience the people - and thats not just an excuse to avoid uploading photos :P The next time I go I want to be lugging a backpack and not rolling a suitcase.
When I say I want a real cause I'm talking volunteer work. I've been really keen to do work in Cambodia over a summer or Africa which has been recently tempting. Hopefully I find the right group to go with and come back to this blog in say...6 months time with a story - thats if you're lucky ;)
Europe was almost too pretty which made it a great place for my first real travels, but not quite real enough if you know what I mean!
Well I'm back at uni and more appreciative than ever of everything and everyone that I have. I'm going to invest the rest of my cyber energy into putting a few photos into this thing and end by not promising to blog every day - but certainly when theres something worth blogging about :)
Keeping you semi-posted, Joanne (L)