Saturday, November 26, 2011

Opera-to' please


What I wore to the opera!
With these awesome binoculars my sister and I bought at a market in Barcelona.

In a bid to look top class, I accepted two tickets to the Goldman Sachs Annual Community Tribute Concert at the Arts Centre (lots of top class words).

I received an email a while ago about them in thanks for my volunteer work with the Leukemia Foundation so I thought whyyy not! I wasn't sure what to wear so I chose a sleeveless white button up shirt dress and a little cotton blazer.

Sorry for the "I need-to-do-a-shit face"
I haven't done a time photo in a long time and I panicked.

I drove papa and myself to the city and walked across the bridge; fashionably late as usual.
It was so wonderful because they sang all of the popular opera songs and symphonies so all of the noobs...sorry.."classically musically challenged" were still very much entertained.

Dad bought me an organic coke and and we dawdled before heading home!


Yesterday at work I and a other staff members had the pleasure of being abused by yet another parent...actually it was a grandparent. Long story short I copped an earful from a mean Italian octogenarian because his grandaughter tried to con me into giving her shin pads for her stupid karate bear. I gave the damn kid a club bracelet so we knew that she had brought in her own bear and he proceeded to yell at me for accusing them of being thieves.

Moral of the story: kids are lovely and tolerable...until they turn into parents.
Though that dragged a dark cloud over my day, I did get lots of compliments about my candy nails! One little girl asked if they were fake ahee.

Speaking of work I missed the opportunity to work a few hours this morning because I didn't pick up my phone :( the treadmill was too loud. And it was Sunday pay tooooooooo BOOOOOO i need moneyz!

Anywhoo, I havn't been doing all that much. Just work and painting these little plaster of paris statues that I got for $5 at Kmart.
I've only done a few so far. But I'm leaving the unicorns until last. I want my painting skill up to scratch before I touch those bad boys.

You don't want to know how long I spend doing these.

Over and out!
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

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