Alcohol has the ability to inhibit the action of the anti diuretic hormone
which is the cause for excessive urination during intoxication
- who says you don't learn anything useful at uni?
I am officially no longer, just another fucking first year.
With the end of exams I think I am dry out of excuses to not blog.
As I sit here with my freshly painted nails and sore eyes from today's Sex and City marathon, I think about how in two hours I get to make "DA ULTIMATE WISH" at 11.11 on the 11.11.11. Pretty childish hey? Well I figure 'what have I got to lose'? But then I think, what more could I wish for? No I'm not trying to say I live the perfect life though I do drink awesome shooters, listen to awesome music, and then just sit around (with my friends) and soak up each others awesomeness.
No really, I have nothing to complain about! Up until tonight I would have easily wished for entry into this Masters degree I've been stressing over for the past semester that would save me lots of time and money. But at dinner my parents, as if at the click of a finger, reassured me that taking my time could be nothing but beneficial and that they were more than willing to financially aid it, as long as I wasn't racing through my education. Call me a sap but I was on the brink of tears at how safe they made me feel.
So before ya'll make your little wishes tonight, be grateful for what you have first...just so you don't go doubling up on your wishes and then ending up with some voodoo reverse problems.
Now on a less sentimental note (COS WARM AND FUZZY IS FOR THE WEAK)... I'VE FINISHED MY EXAMS WEYEWWW. I locked myself in my room and only came out for food and moments of sunlight like a little gremlin. Hopefully it paid off.
Also I've made a lovely little summer mind map (which corresponds to one of my closest friends' aren't we cute) and its filled with little scribbles and doodles about my prospects during the sunny season. Christmas shopping, music festivals and vacations just to name a few!
I'm going to rye with some of my closest girlfriends and the man friends AAANNNND again with my family and family friends. It will be lovely spending time away with my parents which I haven't done in far too long (i think they miss babying me).
Anywhoo I hope this blog isn't getting too boring because lots of topics pop into my head and my little fingers can't get them down fast enough! I think I regret not blogging for so long!
Oh oh and today I got a lovely call from my boss asking if I'd like to be, essentially...wait for it... promoted!
How grown up is that word!? Yes I will be a Master Bear Builder.
Joking, you may refer to me as Teddy Sen Sei.
Well I'm all out of breath for the moment so I'll save my juice for another blog (God knows when that'll be). And to celebrate my return to the inter-web...I've set up a Formspring for you all to troll me on. I know I know "Jo you're just setting yourself up for abuse", but I've wanted to for a while and I figured it would help me grow a tougher skin. And if I CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH then I'll shut it down and cry myself to sleep.

Well I'm all out of breath for the moment so I'll save my juice for another blog (God knows when that'll be). And to celebrate my return to the inter-web...I've set up a Formspring for you all to troll me on. I know I know "Jo you're just setting yourself up for abuse", but I've wanted to for a while and I figured it would help me grow a tougher skin. And if I CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH then I'll shut it down and cry myself to sleep.

You can catch me on http://www.formspring.me/potatojoanne
How wonderful you have been for reading this all! Until we meet again....
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)
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