Wednesday, November 30, 2011



Eric's first front tooth disappearance!

Today I did some of the first Christmas shopping of the year!
Some of you might know that second to my job at Build-a-Bear, I also kind of tutor a class of grade two's at a tuition centre.

Today I bought some goodies to give to the kids for my last lesson next Wednesday as I won't be here the week after because I'll be in RYE WITH MA GURLZ!
Here a preview of my little packs :)

The kids have a thing for Wizz Fizz.

Special shout out to my friend, who I will call Lamb for confidentiality purposes, for walking around with me in search of this stuff. I had mad fun at the Reject shop - I even went as far as to say it was the best place in the universe. Here are a few of my awesome purchases:

Lots of ribbon.

Candy cane stock.

Amazing Babushka doll full of goodies for my manager for her last shift tomorrow :(

Every week at teaching I keep a tally in class of the hardest working student and the grand prize was a Smiggle present! (They also have a thing for Smiggle).

I wanted the Christmas tree up by today but I think I want a new one for this year - something a bit more stylish and chic!

Other than that our garden continues to blossom more and more beautiful fauna.

Don't they look fake!?

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

P.S the font changing is still not working its giving me the irrates.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Opera-to' please


What I wore to the opera!
With these awesome binoculars my sister and I bought at a market in Barcelona.

In a bid to look top class, I accepted two tickets to the Goldman Sachs Annual Community Tribute Concert at the Arts Centre (lots of top class words).

I received an email a while ago about them in thanks for my volunteer work with the Leukemia Foundation so I thought whyyy not! I wasn't sure what to wear so I chose a sleeveless white button up shirt dress and a little cotton blazer.

Sorry for the "I need-to-do-a-shit face"
I haven't done a time photo in a long time and I panicked.

I drove papa and myself to the city and walked across the bridge; fashionably late as usual.
It was so wonderful because they sang all of the popular opera songs and symphonies so all of the noobs...sorry.."classically musically challenged" were still very much entertained.

Dad bought me an organic coke and and we dawdled before heading home!


Yesterday at work I and a other staff members had the pleasure of being abused by yet another parent...actually it was a grandparent. Long story short I copped an earful from a mean Italian octogenarian because his grandaughter tried to con me into giving her shin pads for her stupid karate bear. I gave the damn kid a club bracelet so we knew that she had brought in her own bear and he proceeded to yell at me for accusing them of being thieves.

Moral of the story: kids are lovely and tolerable...until they turn into parents.
Though that dragged a dark cloud over my day, I did get lots of compliments about my candy nails! One little girl asked if they were fake ahee.

Speaking of work I missed the opportunity to work a few hours this morning because I didn't pick up my phone :( the treadmill was too loud. And it was Sunday pay tooooooooo BOOOOOO i need moneyz!

Anywhoo, I havn't been doing all that much. Just work and painting these little plaster of paris statues that I got for $5 at Kmart.
I've only done a few so far. But I'm leaving the unicorns until last. I want my painting skill up to scratch before I touch those bad boys.

You don't want to know how long I spend doing these.

Over and out!
Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Semi-interesting day for a change!


Le bed and le shorts from Paree.
I still have to organise the draws and perhaps rearrange my glow stickers but you get the jist!
I chose one that I could lean against to read and do work at night
(its got a bit more detail that you can't see with my shotty webcam)
and as you can tell I loooove white furniture

If you couldn't tell yet.
It is even more beautiful than I remember it to be in the shop. Then again I was doped up on energy pills so I could have just as easily chosen a rainbow bed head with a laughing clown hanging above it.
I woke up very early to clear out my old bed (which has been so good to me) and make room for my new one. A giant nightmare surfaced as I realised how much shaddadle was stored underneath the old single (of course one must always clutter the underside of their bed so that zombies can't hide under there - tip #101 of Joanne's Mystical Creature Attack Guide - JMCATG).
There were dusty music posters and sentimental invitations and cards that collected enough dust to plague the country with hay fever.

Did I mention that I did this whilst listening to the radio!? I know who listens to the radio when you have iTunes. Joanne does because she understands the value of a good bogan accent to awaken the soul 8 in the morning.

At about 11 I made my way to Bourke Street Donors to give my share of blood this trimester.
I made sure I had lost of iron-rich bok choy for breakfast so I could have a good haemoglobin to donate blood. I also drank about 6 glasses of water so I was like a faucet all morning.

I went down the street and strolled past the Myer Christmas windows which always make me so happy. The music made me so gosh damn excited for the silly season!
As I waited for my tram I ducked into the Target Centre to buy some egg tarts and sesame balls for ... well lets call him 'the gimp' - purely for confidentiality purposes... so that we could eat them after lunchies at his humble abode.

Multiple slices of olive bread and azn deserts later I got to watch Kung Fu Panda for the first time! Soo soo not overrated. I loved it.

Later I went to ... well lets call her "miss avacado" - y'know, for confidentiality purposes...and spent quality time with my best friend in her Williamstown home. We rode bikes in the rain and made nachos for dinner and I got to meet her beautiful aunty. And of course dabble with her three dogs.

I really should start taking more pictures and of more relevant things.

Speaking of dogs. I haven't done an On the Tube in a while, mainly because there hasn't been much share-worthy stuff but there was this. So here you go my pets.


Last Minutes with ODEN

Friday, November 11, 2011

Queen of Kings


A few flowers from the Tran backyard.

Today I woke up bright and early to jump on the treadmill and re-kick start my exercise regime. I took my energy supplement (which I shall refer to time and time again during this blog) and did a solid run and some floor work. I was super dooper pumped and grooved to SebAstian while I ran. I'm not a big sweater, but today I was like Walter Pandiani.

After that I offered to drive mum to Ikea so we could look for a little beside table/draw for my room but dad insisted that we go all the way to Rubble and Riches - a Laverton market in ...Laverton.
Surprise surprise we didn't find what we were looking for so we ended up in Footuscrazy in my dad's friends' furniture store. Meanwhile, the energy suppliments were beginning to suck the life out of me and having had nothing to eat but two small buns all morning and afternoon, I was ready to faint on the plastic covered mattresses.

My parents offered to buy me a new king single bed set in (I currently sleep in a single bed which is lovely because I don't need very much room and it makes my room more spacious but I've grown in width and length and the springs don't agree with me anymore). In my delirious state (COS OF DA DRUGZ) I agreed to let them (damn I've sounded spoiled in the last two blogs but I really do usually buy everything on my own!). So yes everybody, I am one step closer to royalty in my

So hundreds of dollars later all I wanted was a bowl of Pho and a three colour drink (don't be hatin' on me aZn pRyDe) which made me feel only a little better. I took a nice little nap when we got back and had dinner and now I'm fiddling a piece of food stuck between my teeth with my tongue.
Visit my formspring and ask me a question to find out what exactly is stuck in my teeth.

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

P.S blogspots being a slart and won't let me make changes to my font size and colour so excuse the monotony.

Sayonara Jaffy!


Alcohol has the ability to inhibit the action of the anti diuretic hormone
which is the cause for excessive urination during intoxication
- who says you don't learn anything useful at uni?

I am officially no longer, just another fucking first year.
With the end of exams I think I am dry out of excuses to not blog.

As I sit here with my freshly painted nails and sore eyes from today's Sex and City marathon, I think about how in two hours I get to make "DA ULTIMATE WISH" at 11.11 on the 11.11.11. Pretty childish hey? Well I figure 'what have I got to lose'? But then I think, what more could I wish for? No I'm not trying to say I live the perfect life though I do drink awesome shooters, listen to awesome music, and then just sit around (with my friends) and soak up each others awesomeness.
No really, I have nothing to complain about! Up until tonight I would have easily wished for entry into this Masters degree I've been stressing over for the past semester that would save me lots of time and money. But at dinner my parents, as if at the click of a finger, reassured me that taking my time could be nothing but beneficial and that they were more than willing to financially aid it, as long as I wasn't racing through my education. Call me a sap but I was on the brink of tears at how safe they made me feel.

So before ya'll make your little wishes tonight, be grateful for what you have first...just so you don't go doubling up on your wishes and then ending up with some voodoo reverse problems.

Now on a less sentimental note (COS WARM AND FUZZY IS FOR THE WEAK)... I'VE FINISHED MY EXAMS WEYEWWW. I locked myself in my room and only came out for food and moments of sunlight like a little gremlin. Hopefully it paid off.

Also I've made a lovely little summer mind map (which corresponds to one of my closest friends' aren't we cute) and its filled with little scribbles and doodles about my prospects during the sunny season. Christmas shopping, music festivals and vacations just to name a few!

(I've added much more since!)

I'm going to rye with some of my closest girlfriends and the man friends AAANNNND again with my family and family friends. It will be lovely spending time away with my parents which I haven't done in far too long (i think they miss babying me).

Anywhoo I hope this blog isn't getting too boring because lots of topics pop into my head and my little fingers can't get them down fast enough! I think I regret not blogging for so long!

Oh oh and today I got a lovely call from my boss asking if I'd like to be, essentially...wait for it... promoted!

How grown up is that word!? Yes I will be a Master Bear Builder.
Joking, you may refer to me as Teddy Sen Sei.

Well I'm all out of breath for the moment so I'll save my juice for another blog (God knows when that'll be). And to celebrate my return to the inter-web...I've set up a Formspring for you all to troll me on. I know I know "Jo you're just setting yourself up for abuse", but I've wanted to for a while and I figured it would help me grow a tougher skin. And if I CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH then I'll shut it down and cry myself to sleep.

How wonderful you have been for reading this all! Until we meet again....

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)