Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Come here chocolate bunny ;P


Hey bloggers!
So lately I've really been craving to go on Facebook and Youtube. I see the pages pop into my head, yearning for a status update. BUT I CAN'T. Two more days left.

I suppose that it isn't quite a "fast" if there isn't any temptation. Instead I've been indulging in all the chocolate around me, then going for runs to work it off. :|
On a lighter note, IM NOT CAPPED ANYMORE! How did I get capped if I don't use the internet? Well my six year old nephew discovered the beauty of Google and Youtube himself, so he's been looking up dinosaur related items on the interweb. What a pain.

I went to Savers the other day to find a costume for a party I attended recently, but I got distracted by all the childrens books. I bought The Adventures of Barbie, The Little Mermaid and Aladdin in Little Golden Book form. TOTALLYYYY NOSTALGIC STUFF. I also bought 'Matilda' on tape. But funnily enough...I got home...put it into the VCR...and realised it was 'Liar Liar'. Oh the joys of thrifty shopping (SENSE THE SARCASM. SENSE THE DAMN SARCASM).

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

Thursday, March 25, 2010



As the holidays near, infact its only hours away, I've begun to be more thankful for everything I have. Starting to sound like a soppy speech eh? WELL YOU ALREADY STARTED SO PLEASE CONTINUE. Yes, its wrong time of the year Joanne, where's the turkey, where's the cranberry? But seriously, I often catch public transport on my own and with the soundtrack of my life blasting through my headphones, I can't help but think how well off I am.

I don't really need to go into too much detail because you all know what you should be grateful for. What I'm trying to say is I'm not butt naked on the street, I have handfuls of friends and I'm not totally daft (touch wood). My school is more than a school, its a second home...but in this home I have 600 other little sisters and 20 other mums. Hopefully my good-feel blog is contagious and you all go give your friends and family a big hug when you read this.

I'm about to go all the way back to school for parent teacher interviews and I'm a little nervous. Hopefully teachers aren't as ruthless as they threaten to be.

8 More days until I can go back to my beloved facebook!

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Angsty Bus Drivers

Jum Reap Sour!

Ma nephew.

Currently listening to : Love Lost - Temper Trap

Alo alo!
Today i had tutor all the way in Springvale. Yep, I have to travel an awful distance to get there but I suppose, to an extent, its worth it. There are lots of good-looking people in my class which is why I like to sit toward the front. This way I'm not distracted by the Korean-super-star-look-alike mathematicians.

Waiting patiently at the bus stop, I enjoyed the silence of Footscray on a Sunday afternoon. All the creeps shy away from the sunny weather I guess.
When the driver pulled up, I got out my ticket. Ready to board I was abruptly shut out. He closed the m'f' door on me, acknowledged my incredulous expression then departed swiftly.

If that isn't a case of Man-o-pause i don't know what is.

This left me embarrassed and slightly flushed.
What gives bus drivers the idea that they can ignore patient commuters and depart early? Well I suppose the fact that THEIR hands are on the steering wheel and not mine- but regardless...THIS IS BULLSHIT.
And it was Sunday timetables too so I had to wait for ages for the tram. Rah!

Anyhoo, I've been getting some ideas for the school as Captain. Can't wait to bring them to the team :)

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

L to the E to the N to the T

Say hchello to ma liddle fren.
(and my pyjamas :) ) guys.

Yeah I can explain.
I apologise for not blogging for like the last...however many months but its Lent.
No, I didn't give up blogging for Lent and no I'm not even Christian.
But i DID give up facebook youtube and msn. And without facebook my blog is nothing. I may very well be writing to a humble unresponsive webpage and nobody else. *crickets*
So excuse my negativity, but the bottom line is, I really didn't think anybody would be reading and also, I was just plain lazy.You may be asking a few questions from here:

1. Why on earth would you do that to yourself.

2. So why did you decide to write now?

And my answers would be:
1. Hi my name is Joanne and I'm a facetube-aholic.
I really wanted to challenge myself, see how disciplined I was. I thought I may as well try it out while other people are giving up their luxuries. I've done a good job of not giving in, especially the youtube thing...thats...thats been heart wrenching.

2. Often things that happen during my day make me really want to blog and think back on my day so going without it wasn't really doing any justice.

I'm beginning to hope no-one is reading this jibberish.

No, but seriously, giving up Facebook has made me realise how dependent I am on it to socialise. I'm barely staying in contact with people outside of school which quite frankly didn't come as a surprise.
I find myself in situations where I think " Hey this would be a good status"
I found that I need to communicate only the things of utmost important considering its not so much at my fingertips.
Facebook less life has taught me a little in the last 30 odd days. Really enriching stuff.

I made chocolate cupcakes today :) My nephews helped!

I went to the milk bar this evening to get some milk and OJ and made a striking revelation. Both sleazes and hotties come out at weekend sundown. On my way there a I came across a whole lot of sleazes and to my surprise a few hotties. See, I'm used to the sleazes but the hotties were a nice change.
As long as there's a balance between the two, I'm satisfied. I did a little strut with my milk on my way back, replacing the usual slouched crawl.

Oh P.S - I cut all my hair off (see above).

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)