Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stupid wabbut.



Above, you can find an elaborate description of how I am feeling after my first methods SAC.

I'm watching Sherry Bobbins on the Simpsons and not even that's cheering me up. I really need to do something fun this weekend. Any suggestions? I hear Kick Ass is a kick ass movie.

One thing that might cheer me up is Glee on at 8pm. All you Gleeks don't forget! Then again, if you were a true Gleek you wouldn't need the reminder :)

Hopefully I'll do a bit better tomorrow in my Tech allowed part of my test.
I took the oppurtunity to sleep and watch TV tonight considering I literally (not literally) studied my ass off for the past week.

This + a shitload of unnecessary drama are the main reasons I really havn't been blogging.

I thought bitching and friendship problems would come to a halt in year 12, but oh how wrong I was. I love my school and all, but sometimes, too many girls in one space becomes a bloody warzone.

Plus my bunny ran away. COULD I FEEL MORE UNLOVED?

Sorry for the Soap Opera report. I actually love you guys.
Watch this space for a good blog sometime soon.

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lurve bug


5 hours left.
My sister has given me the password to my account so I really could just enter now. But no, I've come this far. I can almost taste the homepage.

For those who have opened this blog and questioned my normalness (a word I probably just made up myself), I've given up Facebook for Lent. Lent ends in precisely five hours. That means I have not checked my Facebook for 46 days (including the Sundays which Christian people don't). My test of strength has really been.....a bitch. I also gave up Youtube and MSN. I don't care very much for MSN but Youtube has been like the sister I never had. (Apologies to my two sisters).
Today was just average. I hit the gym after watching the Jonas Brothers and then went shopping wif ma sistaaaaa (that ghetto-ness was so unnecessary, I'm sorry).
I hate to say it, I really do - but I think I'm inlove with Nick Jonas. He's really quite gorgeous but it scares me to think that I have the same taste as Miley Cyrus. Pssh.

I'll share some goodness with you ...


Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)


Friday, April 2, 2010

Chubby asian babies


What an attractive bunch we have in the Tran family.

I saw the most beautiful asian couple at Savers the other day. They popped into my head just then for some odd reason. But when I was rummaging through the books I saw them in the other isle. The young woman had a short bob cut and cute floral slacks with leather shoes and the guy had a little green sweater and a candy striped collar. He was holding a little chubby asian baby girl. I just thought to myself, I so hope to have chubby asian babies and shop at opp shops with my vintage-styled hubby. I just thought I'd share that irrelevant observation with you.

I spent a good part of last night searching for my future car. I bet you're thinking "HER PARENTS ARE GONNA GET HER A CAR!". Nuh-uh, but bless your soul for thinking me so lucky. No, I've just always wanted a big Jeep but I never really knew which model it was that I wanted. So I went Jeep hunting! And look what I found :D

Come to mumma.

Thats right, can you imagine me in this baby? I'd look like even more of a midget but frankly, I couldn't care less. Yellow or black would suffice. Hint Hint *birthday's second of June :)

Jack Johnson has a new album out :)
To the Sea
Once again Hint Hint * June second :)

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)