Friday, November 11, 2011

Queen of Kings


A few flowers from the Tran backyard.

Today I woke up bright and early to jump on the treadmill and re-kick start my exercise regime. I took my energy supplement (which I shall refer to time and time again during this blog) and did a solid run and some floor work. I was super dooper pumped and grooved to SebAstian while I ran. I'm not a big sweater, but today I was like Walter Pandiani.

After that I offered to drive mum to Ikea so we could look for a little beside table/draw for my room but dad insisted that we go all the way to Rubble and Riches - a Laverton market in ...Laverton.
Surprise surprise we didn't find what we were looking for so we ended up in Footuscrazy in my dad's friends' furniture store. Meanwhile, the energy suppliments were beginning to suck the life out of me and having had nothing to eat but two small buns all morning and afternoon, I was ready to faint on the plastic covered mattresses.

My parents offered to buy me a new king single bed set in (I currently sleep in a single bed which is lovely because I don't need very much room and it makes my room more spacious but I've grown in width and length and the springs don't agree with me anymore). In my delirious state (COS OF DA DRUGZ) I agreed to let them (damn I've sounded spoiled in the last two blogs but I really do usually buy everything on my own!). So yes everybody, I am one step closer to royalty in my

So hundreds of dollars later all I wanted was a bowl of Pho and a three colour drink (don't be hatin' on me aZn pRyDe) which made me feel only a little better. I took a nice little nap when we got back and had dinner and now I'm fiddling a piece of food stuck between my teeth with my tongue.
Visit my formspring and ask me a question to find out what exactly is stuck in my teeth.

Keeping you posted - Joanne (L)

P.S blogspots being a slart and won't let me make changes to my font size and colour so excuse the monotony.

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